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Thoughts & Inspiration

Every seed contains within it the ability to produce more seeds. Though a seed cannot directly produce another seed, it creates the systems that eventually will produce an abundance of seeds that create the process of producing more and more seed. Each seed is unique with unique variations of the original seed. I believe the Lord wants to use our uniqueness, our unique processing of life, to produce abundant seeds of the Gospel producing other unique processes that produce more and more seed of the Gospel.

Let’s get slightly practical. A tree is known by it’s fruit. The fruit is used to get the seeds of the tree to another place to grow more trees, which will lead to more fruit, and ultimately more seeds. In your life when you ‘bear fruit’ of Gentleness (or any of the other fruit of the Spirit, Galatians 5:22-23) and someone ‘receives’ that Gentleness they have the ability to ‘taste and see that the Lord is good’. In order to do that they have to fully take it in and process the Gentleness you’ve given them. Which, when they’ve allowed that seed of Gentleness to grow in their life they will also ‘bear the fruit’ of Gentleness and give others the potential for that seed to grow in others. Seed is potential. It has everything within it to produce itself again, eventually. It just needs the right soil.

There’s a lot more we could go off of with this topic, but the point for now is to have you think about the fruit you bear in your own life and do you want that fruit to be replicated in others around you and ultimately the world. Just take a second to think about it. What seed have you scattered today?


