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I can blame myself for anything. Even if it's not my fault in the least. It's the easy way out and it's not healthy. I'm in the process of recovering from that. The other day the Lord gave me a clear … Read more about Blame


It was a day like any other day; birds chirping, trees swaying gently in the wind, and bees buzzing their joyful tune as they skip from flower to flower. Spring had finally come. And just in the nick … Read more about Light


Every seed contains within it the ability to produce more seeds. Though a seed cannot directly produce another seed, it creates the systems that eventually will produce an abundance of seeds that … Read more about Seeds


One of the thoughts I’ve had going through my head this week has been on Flourishing. Flourish - “to grow well; to be healthy; to grow luxuriantly. To achieve success. To be in a state of … Read more about Flourishing


Everyone has a sanctuary. It could look like a quiet nook gazing out into a rainy day holding a comfy, cozy coffee. It could be a New York City subway ride, headphones in, jamming out to Adele. It … Read more about Sanctuary