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Everyone has a sanctuary. It could look like a quiet nook gazing out into a rainy day holding a comfy, cozy coffee. It could be a New York City subway ride, headphones in, jamming out to Adele. It could be walking outside with a co-worker on your lunch break. It could be driving alone with the Lord to visit your best friend 3 hours away. I found my sanctuary here for the remainder of CGA. It’s the woods. Quiet. No people. No demands (real or in my head). Peaceful. Jesus.



I’ve grown to really love people, not just conceptually or abstractly, but actually love people – including myself. But sometimes you just need to get away. Jesus did quite a lot. He did it to intentionally connect with His Father, our Father.

The purpose for me, is to get alone with the Father and exercise, or ax-ercise as Dillon put it. The physical act of chopping wood is hard work and it’s great exercise. For my month 11 in Cambodia, it was our job as the all guys team to break ground with pick-axes. It was hard work. So when we were doing something similar at CGA (helping take out small trees with a pick ax at a local community center on Monday) it reminded me of month 11. I also want to instill exercise into my life again so that my physical heart and body can be healthy. So a co-worker had an ax I could borrow and I’ve started going out into the woods around AIM’s office and chopping trees that have fallen a long time ago. It’s hard work, and I like it.

 ^^Cambodia month 11.

I get to be outside in the quiet with my Father and do work. Some days I know I’ll sit more than I work and that’s more than okay, there is no agenda.

^^ 15 minute workout.


What’s your Sanctuary?


I’m still in need of financial support for what the Lord is doing here through me at CGA. I’m being trained and equipped into my calling as I work on helping establish long term bases world wide, literally.

Please ask Holy Spirit if you are to give financially to bring His Kingdom to earth through me. If so, click Support Me. Thank you! 🙂